Custom Kitchen Cutting Boards
View custom cutting boards / serving boards here. They’re durable, functional and are a great addition to any kitchen.
Hardwood Cutting Board / Serving Board
Hardwood Cutting Board / Serving Board
Beautiful rich tones in a handmade cutting board. Made with a variety of hardwoods (Birdseye Maple, Red Oak, Lacewood, Zebrawood Honey Locust, Padauk, Walnut, and Sycamore). This board is designed to be grabbed quickly and can be easily hung for storage. It is lighter than a traditional butcher block and thus easier to handle for every-day use. Dimensions: 11-13" wide x 16" tall x .625'' thick. Finished with mineral oil. Rewaxed with beeswax/mineral oil at time of shipment.
*dimensions approximate